Pediatric Test Guide

As sample collection especially for blood tests, could be a little frightening for children, it is recommended to reduce this fear by considering some small points. It worth mentioning that at Payvand Clinical and specialty Laboratory, vein detector (to  find the most appropriate vein to collecting sample from) and pain reliever (for pediatric and adolescent with needle phobia) devices are used for blood sample collection. However, the following points may be helpful to make a calm and memorable experience for your children and beloved ones:

Use of pain relievers during sampling

Suitable for children and people who are afraid of needles.

In order to satisfy patients and respected clients, Payvand Clinical &  Special Laboratory offers a new service to dear costumers. This allows your child to be sampled in a relaxed, child-friendly environment using the pain relieving tool in the lab.

Registering a happy memory, without fear or worry, and creating a pleasant experience of sampling and lab space, is a gift from the sympathetic colleagues of the laboratory sampling section linking to respected clients.

Notify the child of the procedure and show the truth to the child

Explain to the child what the test procedure contains and who will be doing it. Prepare them for a little pain or a little Ouch feeling. Instead of telling them that the test has no pain, just try to encourage them to collaborate so the test will be performed quickly and easily. Thank them afterward and admire their collaboration. The child will feel less concern if  the procedure is explained to him, previously.

You explain the procedure in this way: first, a rubber band (tourniquet) would be closed around the arm. When the tourniquet is wrapped, the sensation is similar to squeezing the arm. The collector will then disinfect the needle location by alcohol swab, which will cause the skin feel cool. After the needle is inserted into the arm, the blood flows into the tube. The child may feel a little bit burned, such as a pinch or may not feel uncomfortable at all. After the bleeding is completed, the needle is removed from the arm and a special band will be placed on the spot of draw.

Talk to them about the reasons of blood collection and test. Showing blood sampling tools could be helpful prior to blood draw. You may use toys similar to medical equipment. For most children, the best time to notify a child is one or two days before going to a clinic or lab.

Estimated the test time

Schedule the test for a time when the child is not tired and hungry. It is best to ask the laboratory first about the need for fasting and the amount of sample needed to check it with the child’s condition. Practice with the Kid prior to go to the lab and pretend the collection procedure so you may evaluate the amount of movement in kids arm during the collection. Tell the kid to count to three and then breathe out. These tips will help the kid to be calm down and facilitate the procedure of blood draw.

Parents should control their feelings and maintain calmness.

If the type of sampling allows you to accompany your child, you can be with the kid during sampling. However, note that parents’ reactions to the stressful time of blood collecting will greatly affect the child. If a mother experiences worries and changes in her mental state, she certainly doubles the child’s concern. Therefore, the peace of the parents will surely reduce the child’s concern.

Distracting the child’s attention

Occupying child’s mind and distracting them during sample collection, with a colored book, toy or favorite song is usually effective for most kids. However, this depends on the age of the child. For different age groups you may use following:          

  • Ages between 12 months to 2 years: try to distract the child by making bubbles, moving toys, colorful lights or making sounds.
  • Ages between 3 to 5 years: bring the most favorite toy with him. You may also use toys which attractive make light and sounds.
  • Ages between 6 to 12 years: do not miss the use of toys, which make light and sound. Use computer games (especially mobile games on smart phones or tablets). Activity books are another useful instrument. Making bubbles is one of the best ways as it makes deep breathing in addition to distraction from procedure and making child to relax. Another effective way, which may be used, is imagining. You may also tell the child a short and funny short story.

Use loving words to help relax the kid

Use the words which make the child more relax and confident.

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