Human health is always threatened by various diseases and pathogens are one of the main causes of premature death and disability in humans. Unfortunately, despite the advent of new methods of medical and surgical treatment, many diseases are asymptomatic or have minor symptoms in the early stages, which makes it possible for patients at these golden time stages to fully prevent and cure the disease. Do not see your doctor. Late visits to a physician often lead to an increase in the number of injuries and financial injuries to patients, and in most cases, injuries to patients are irreparable.

Complete screening tests allow early detection of many diseases. Early detection of diseases in medical science has received a great deal of attention today due to various reasons, including the possibility of timely initiation of treatment, reduction of complications and reduction of medical costs. A comprehensive checkup can help prevent cardiovascular disease and their progress by examining conditions such as elevated cholesterol and blood sugar.

  • There is a direct relationship between increased cholesterol and increased risk of heart and stroke. Therefore, ensuring that blood cholesterol levels are normal is especially important for people over 50 years old.
  • A complete checkup also includes a blood cell count or CBC. A complete count of blood cells can detect a variety of anemia, such as iron deficiency anemia and thalassemia.
  • Fecal occult blood testing (iFOB) is of particular importance in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal polyps and colon cancer. Also, by measuring liver enzymes, blood albumin, etc, one can check the overall health and function of the liver.
  • It is noteworthy that in a complete checkup, thyroid function is assessed by measuring thyroid hormones. Kidney disease develops in many cases without specific clinical symptoms, which can be achieved by laboratory examination of the kidney function in early diagnosis.

 The general list of Medical Laboratory Tests that performed in a complete/comprehensive checkup includes:

  • Blood lipid screening tests: Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, triglycerides
  • Liver health tests: Bilirubin, Total Albumin Protein
  • Complete Blood Cell Count (CBC): To diagnose anemia, thalassemia carriers, hematological problems and hereditary blood disorders
  • Thyroid and Diabetes Function Tests: Glucose, Hemoglobin A1C, T4, TSH, T3
  • Kidney and urinary tract health tests: urea, creatinine, eGFR, urine analysis and urine culture, etc.
  • Fecal and secretory blood tests: for early detection of colorectal cancer
  • Malignant screening test: PSA Free, PSA for Prostate, CA125 and Pap smear for women
  • Infectious Viral Disease Test: HIV, Hepatitis B and C Virus, and Skin and Mucosal Warts, Especially Genital Mucosa

Patient conditions for testing:

Some 10 to 12 hour fasting tests are required.

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